
3-year-old timeline: Your Little Storyteller

Your 3-year-old now
As your child's language skills evolve, he'll start to tell you more elaborate stories. Hooray! Storytelling is a great step in a preschooler's development.

It's happening now because at 3, your child is capable of a complex chain of events: He can experience something, think about it, and then tell a story about it. These stories — real or fictional or a mix of both — help little kids make sense of everyday events and the people they meet.

You may see your child telling stories to himself or his toys. They can be completely fantastical, or they can combine several real-life events into one narrative. If you're the audience, listen appreciatively. Encourage him with questions as he spins yarns about the picture he drew or the book he's reading. Invite him to add details to stories you tell.

To help keep the creative juices flowing, make sure your child hears stories of all kinds — fairy tales, anecdotes from your own life, fables, picture-book tales. Acting these stories out will also strengthen his imagination and storytelling abilities.

Your life now
Ever urge your child to hurry, only to see it have the opposite effect, as if molasses had just been poured over his head? Badgering a child to move faster can make him anxious. Better to try cajoling with a game or a race: "Let's see who can put on their shoes faster, me or you?" Or, "I'll race you to the car, ready, set, go!"

source www.parentcenter.babycenter.com

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